Tuesday, January 15, 2013

OSB Context Variables

In OSB context variables hold information about the message being processed as well as message content.  Using these variables is crucial in being able to develop OSB services.   I found it useful to have all of the information on all context variables in one place. 

Below is a list of predefined context variables
header - For SOAP messages the header will contain the SOAP header.  For any other  type of message the header will contain an empty SOAP header element.
body - Information held in the body will vary based on the type of message.
SOAP Messages - Contains the SOAP Body
Non-SOAP, Non-binary Messages - Will wrap the entire message content in a SOAP:Body element.
Binary Message - Contains a reference to the in memory copy of the binary message wrapped in a SOAP:Body element
Java Objects - Contains a reference to the in memory copy of the Java Object wrapped in a SOAP:Body element
attachments - Contains the MIME attachments
inbound - Contains the inbound transport headers and information on the proxy service that received the message.
providerName - Specifies the name of the service provider(Read-only)
uri - URI by which the message arrived
request - transport specific metadata about the request(Read-only)
response - transport specific metadata about the response
mode - communication style request (one-way) or request-response (two-way)
qualityOfService - specifies the expected quality of service when receiving a message. (Read-only)
transportClient - specifies authenticated transport level user information.  
messageLevelClient - specifies the message level user information.

outbound - Contains the outbound transport headers and information about the target to which the message is being sent.
providerName - Specifies the name of the service provider (Read-Only)
operation - The name of the operation to be invoked on the target Business Service(Read-Only)
uri - URI used when sending message
request - transport specific metadata about the request
response - transport specific metadata about the response (read-only)
mode - communication style request (one-way) or request-response (two-way)
qualityOfService - specifies the expected quality of service when receiving a message.
retryCount - Specifies the number of retries to attempt when sending a message from Oracle Service Bus.
doOutboundWss - can be used to disable outboutn WS-Security
fault - Contains information on errors that occurred.    is defined only in error handler pipelines and is not set in request and response pipelines
errrorCode - Specifies the error code as a string value
reason - Contains a text description of the error
details - Contains user-defined XML content related to the error
location -
Identifies the node, pipeline and stage in which the error occurred. Also identifies if the error occurred in an error handler. The sub-elements include:
node—the name of the pipeline, branch, or route node where an error occurred; a string.
pipeline—the name of the Pipeline where an error occurred (if applicable); a string.
stage—the name of the stage where an error occurred (if applicable); a string.
error-handler—indicates if an error occurred from inside an error handler; a boolean.

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