Friday, December 28, 2012

Creating a Business Service to Publish to a JMS Queue/Topic

The following steps outline how to create a business service that will publish to a JMS Queue or Topic.  For this example, I created the Business Service in the OSB Console.  You could also use Eclipse and the steps would be very similar.

1.  Log into OSB Console.
2.  Create new project.  For this example I used the project name of PublishJMSQueue.
3.  Create a new folder called BusinessServices to hold the service we are going to create.
4.  Navigate to the BusinessServices folder and select Business Service from the Create Resource menu.

5.  Enter Service Name, select Messaging Service for the Service Type and click on Next.

6.  Select the Request Message Type, Response Message Type and click on Next.  For this example I am using Text for the Request Message Type and None for the Response Message Type.  Below is information on the other types from the Oracle Documentation.

None - Select this option if there is no request message (HTTP GET example)
Binary - Select this option if the content-type of the message is unknown or not important.
Text - Select this option if the message can be restricted to text.
MFL - Select this option if the message is a binary document conforming to an MFL definition. You can configure only one MFL file.
For MFLs, you can click Browse to select an MFL from the MFL Browser, then click Submit.
XML - Select this option if the message is an XML document. To provide some type information, you can choose to declare the XML schema type of the XML document exchanged.

7.  Select jms for Protocol, enter the Endpoint URI for the queue/topic you are publishing to, click on Add and then click on Next.  You can leave everything else with the default values.

Note:  The Endpoing URI follow the format of “jms://host:port(,host:port)*/FactoryJndiName/DestJndiName”.   If you are using a Weblogic queue/topic you do not need to change the FactoryJndiName, OSB will prepopulated the correct JNDI name.  You can get the DestJndiName from the Weblogic console (domain -> Services -> Messaging -> JMS Modules -> <Module Containing the Queue/Topic you are publishing to> -> JNDI Name)

8.  Set Destination Type, Message Type and then click on Last.  Everything else can remain at the default value.  For this example, we are using a queue for destination type and Text for message type.

       9.   Review Settings and then click Save.

     10.  Test Business Service.

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